Wild Heart African safaris

“..The Kingdom of Uganda is a fairy tale. The scenery is different, the climate is different and most of all, the people are different from anything elsewhere to be seen in the whole range of Africa….what message I bring back….concentrate upon Uganda – The Pearl of Africa.”Winston Churchill (My African Journey – 1908) Uganda is...
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The bantu are believed to be the first inhabitants of Uganda and they constitute over 50% of the population,they are believed to have migrated from congo regions of central Africa and spread through uganda and they include Baganda, Basoga, Bagwere, Banyoro, Banyankole, Bakiga, Batooro, Bamasaba, Basamia, Bakonjo, Bamba, Baruuli, Banyole, Bafumbira,Bagungu,Bakiga,The Bantu settlement and history...
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Their origins are traced from eastern Ethoipia and settled in the karamoja sub regions of north eastern Uganda. They include the Teso (which litrary mean the youth), Karamajong (litrary the old), Kumam, Kakwa, Sebei, Pokot, Labwor, Tepeth, Lugbara, Madi and Lendu
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This is a group whose origin are traced from Rumbek in south sudan who moved and settled in pubungu and later divided as explained through stories of the brothers Gipiri and Labongo I’mThe group that followed Gipiri crossed the Nile and settled in the land of Okebu (zombo district) and Lendu (Congo) who intermarried and...
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The lands that constituted Mpororo were formerly part of the Chwezi empire until its dissolution in the sixteenth century. Before the middle of the seventeenth century, the area that became Mpororo – the land of the Hororo – was known as Ndorwa and formed the southern province of the kingdom of Busongora. During the reign...
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The Babito (Start of Bunyoro-Kitara) Their First leader was Isingoma Mbuga Rukidi (who had a twin brother Kato Kimera, who is believed to be the ancestor of Buganda Kingdom).The Babito accepted much of the culture of their predecessors but they brought certain features of their own, like the use of empako, pet names. Over time,...
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The Bachwezi(1300AD-1600AD Approx) The Demi-gods Their rule was started by Ndahula upon spearing his grandfather, Bukuku. The Bachwezi are believed to have had powers and were miraculous. Over time, they were filled with evil and their demi-god powers started moving away from them. One day, their beloved cow Bihogo died (as had been prophesied that...
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The Batembuzi (1000BC-1300AD) The Batembuzi are believed to have fallen from heaven (were not born). They were the 1st inhabitants of the Interlucustrine region (of E.Africa) and had miraculous powers. Their 1st ruler was Ruhanga (god), assisted by his brother Nkya to govern earth-Bunyoro. Nkya had 4 sons: Kakama-Twale, Kairu, Kahima and Kantu. Kakama was...
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The bakiga/kiga(people of the mountains)  are natives of south western Uganda and northern Rwanda(abakiga twena tukaruga Rwanda, omu byumba ne ruhenjere) the descendants of kashiga son of mbogo of bumbogo in Rwanda who formed bakiga in kigyezi or kigezi. They speak rukiga  and now occupy kabale, Rukunjiri,kanungu and kisoro .they are the custodians of kisizi...
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The baruuli/ baluuli in buruuli who speak luruuli around lake kyoga in nakasongola district, amolatar district, masindi and luwero  they came from Cameroon and settled in kyope kibanda,maruzi and oyam counties in masindi and apac district. They are the bagungu around lake albert,banyala in bugerer, and balamogi in busoga. Yhey worshiped kankya,katonda,ruanga kibubu,katigo,irungu. through rubanga,kyomya...
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