Wild Heart African safaris


Health and insurance

1)    Vaccination and medication

2)    Visit your health professional at least 4 to 6 weeks before your trip to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventive measures.

3)    Make sure your Yellow Fever vaccination is up to date before arriving in Uganda.

4)    Visitors should bring personal supplies of medicines that are likely to be needed, but enquire first at the embassy or high commission whether such supplies may be freely imported.

5)    Food and drink

6)    All water should be regarded as being a potential health risk. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice should have first been boiled or otherwise sterilised. Milk is unpasteurised and should be boiled. Powdered or tinned milk is available and is advised. Avoid dairy products which are likely to have been made from unboiled milk. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled. Be sure to wash fresh produce well before eating and avoid raw foods in restaurants. Do not eat food prepared by unlicensed vendors or where you have concerns about kitchen hygiene. Only use boiled or bottled water, and avoid ice in drinks. Carry hand sanitizer to use before meals.

7)    Other risks

8)    Vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B are sometimes advised. After road accidents, malaria is the most serious health concern for travellers visiting Uganda. Seek up-to-date advice regarding malarial areas and the appropriate antimalarial medication prior to your trip, usually doxycycline, Malarone or mefloquine. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to malaria and are advised against travel to regions where malaria is present. Take a good insect repellant and try to avoid bites between dusk and dawn by always covering up.


9)    Travel health insurance

Medical facilities in Uganda are limited. Medical help at the scene of an accident is likely to be limited. In the case of serious accident or illness, evacuation by air ambulance may be required. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.




10) Wildheart African Safaris will make every effort to ensure that all arrangements and services connected to the safari will be carried out as specified in the most efficient and effective way possible. However, the company does not have direct control of the provision of services by suppliers and, whilst every supplier is chosen with the utmost care. Wildheart African Safaris does not accept liability for errors or omissions of such suppliers.

11) Wildheart African Safaris shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any nature whatsoever whether to person or property.

12) Whilst every care is taken, Wildheart African Safaris cannot be held responsible for the direct or indirect costs of loss or damage to baggage or personal possessions.

13) Wildheart safaris cannot accept liability or pay compensation for unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the company or its staff. These include; flight delays/cancellations or force majeure such as war or threat of war, riots, civil disturbances, terrorist acts, border closure, acts of government or other authorities, strikes, thefts, epidemics, road closures, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disaster, extreme weather conditions, fire, technical and/or mechanical problems to transport and all similar events beyond the company’s control.

14) It is the responsibility of the travel agency/wholesaler to ensure that all members of the tour have the appropriate passports, visas, travel permits, health certificates and other documentation required for the safari.

15) It is the responsibility of the clients to take proper medical and practical health and safety precautions. Medical advice should be sought well before traveling. 

16) Clients are strongly advised to obtain comprehensive travel insurance before coming to Uganda. Local evacuation coverage is available in the unlikely event of a medical emergency while out on safari with Wildheart African Safaris.

17) The respective laws of the country govern Wildheart African Safaris’s liability to passengers carried in its own vehicles. All claims are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country in which the cause of action arises.
Thank you for reading our Terms and Conditions.




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