Wild Heart African safaris


Wildheart is an indigenous boots – on – ground tour and travel company that was born out of an argument and passion to give clients an authentic experience of African Ecosystems through wildlife,birding, cultures, and community exploration. We pride in decades of extensive knowledge of our wildlife, our people and culture. We tailored these to give you a unique blend of tourism and cultural experiences that not only create you memories but enable you to leave footprints through our voluntourism (volunteer + tourism) packages that you will hardly find anywhere. 


Our local expertise of the African terrain combined with the international specialty of our USA co-founders and partners, Nancy Thaxton and Ronald Thaxton gives us a professional touch of experience. Our local team comprises of seasoned and energetic tour and travel enthusiasts who are professionally prepared  to offer you the best of the African experience!.  Whether you are interested in short-term volunteer missions, cultural experiences or just want to have a memorable safari experience, our team will stop at nothing to give you just beyond expectations.


At Wildheart, We believe money is transient but experiences are not, we therefore strive to give you value beyond money.

Our desire to do business was born out of a need to offer memorable experiences while leaving footprints. Our business model is built on the core value of corporate social responsibility CSR of supporting vulnerable communities & building sustainable livelihoods. Our  partial  proceeds are appropriated to helping children, widows, single mothers and vulnerable youths to build a livelihood. We support education and social entrepreneurship initiatives for sustainable communities.

We not only want to create memorable experiences, we also desire to leave footprints. A reasonable proportion of our proceeds is appropriated  to support charity works in Uganda.  With our  partner organizations, we are passionate about improving livelihoods and building sustainable communities .  Your tour  with us directly  supports a global call and cause for education and building sustainability within the communities we operate. 

Book your your safari with us today or Combine TOUR AND VOLUNTEER  (Voluntourism) to “create your own memories, while leaving footprints”.

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